Michael Turner
Horses HeadMarine grade recycled stainless steel Height - 213cms Width - 27cms Depth - 60cms | Horses HeadDetail | Horses HeadDetail | EagleMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 280cms Width - 120cms Base footprint - 70x70cms |
EagleDetail | EagleDetail | Eagle | CrocodileMarine grade recycled stainless steel and wood - SOLD Height - 105cms Length - 250cms Width - 110cms |
CrocodileDetail | CrocodileDetail | Crocodile | CheetahMarine grade recycled stainless steel Height - 150cms Length - 190cms Width - 40cms |
CheetahDetail | CheetahDetail | RhinoMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 220cms Length (front to back) - 90cms Base foot print - 80 x 56cms | RhinoDetail |
RhinoDetail | Falcon in FlightMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 280cms Base footprint - 100 x 60cms | Falcon in FlightDetail | Falcon in FlightDetail |
LeopardMarine grade recycled stainless steel Height - 215cms Width - 105cms Depth - 80cms | Detail | Detail | VelociraptorMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Length - 380cms Height - 190cms Base footprint - 120 x 120cms |
VelociraptorDetail | Velociraptor | PeacockMarine grade recycled stainless steel Height – 232cms Base footprint – 55x55cms | PeacockDetail |
PeacockDetail | LionMarine grade recycled stainless steel Height - 160cms Base footprint - 50 x 40cms | LionDetail | FalconMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 185cms Width - 140cms |
FalconDetail | Manta RayMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 270cms Length - 200cms (wing tip to wing tip) | Manta RayDetail | Manta RayDetail |
Golden EagleMarine grade recycled stainless steel and wood - SOLD Length - 120cms (beak to tail) Height - 293cms Width - 250cms (wingspan) | Golden EagleDetail | Golden EagleDetail | TigerMarine grade recycled stainless steel, copper and wood - SOLD Length - 250cm Height - 215cm Width - 64cm |
Tiger | Climbing IguanaMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 240cms Width - 130cms | Climbing IguanaDetail | MakoMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 160cms Length - 200cms Depth - 70cms |
MakoDetail | GorillaMarine grade recycled stainless steel and wood - SOLD Height - 250cms Length - 150cms Width - 140cms | GorillaDetail | Basking CrocodileMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 190cms Width - 240cms Depth - 75cms |
Basking CrocodileDetail | Basking CrocodileDetail | LionMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 245cms Width - 70cms Depth - 100cms | LionDetail |
PelicanMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height – 221cms Width – 125cms | PelicanDetail | PiranhaMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height – 150cms Width - 80cms Depth – 40cms | HorseMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height – 214ms Width – 320cms (head to tail) Depth – 100cms |
HorseDetail | Great White IIMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height – 180ms Width – 300cms (head to tail) Depth – 130cms | Great White IIDetail | Great White IIFront view |
Crocodile on the pontoonMarine grade recycled stainless steel and wood - SOLD Height – 180ms Width – 400cms (head to tail) Depth – 100cms | Crocodile on the pontoonDetail | Crocodile on the pontoonFront view | CheetahMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height – 210cms Width – 190cms (head to tail) |
CheetahDetail | FalconMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 261cms (inc base) Width - 210cms (wingspan) Base footprint - 75cms | BullMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 150cms Width - 112cms Base - 56cms | BullDetail |
EagleMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height - 240cms (inc base) Width - 300cms (wingspan) Base footprint - 130 x 110cms | CrocodileMarine grade recycled stainless steel, wood and steel - SOLD Height – 130cms Width - 350cms Depth – 90cms | CrocodileDetail | HammerheadMarine grade recycled stainless steel and stone - SOLD Height – 172cms Width - 245cms Depth – 103cms |
HammerheadDetail | PiranhaDetail | IguanaMarine grade recycled stainless steel and driftwood - SOLD Height - 200cms Length - 180cms (side profile) Depth - 120cms (front profile) | IguanaDetail |
CrocodileMarine grade recycled stainless steel and wood - SOLD Height - 112cms Width - 259cms Depth - 89cms | CrocodileDetail | Great WhiteMarine grade recycled stainless steel and stone - SOLD Height - 175cms Width - 198cms Depth - 107cms | Great WhiteDetail |
Angler FishMarine grade recycled stainless steel and stone - SOLD Height - 168cms Width - 117cms Depth - 38cms | Angler FishDetail | SwanMarine grade recycled stainless steel - SOLD Height – 183cms Width - 86cms Depth – 107cms | StagMarine grade recycled stainless steel and wood - SOLD Height - 244cms Width - 236cms Depth - 84cms |
Leaping HorseMarine grade recycled stainless steel and stone - SOLD Height - 249cms Width - 300cms Depth - 100cms | Horse HeadMarine grade recycled stainless steel and wood - SOLD Height - 220cms Width/Depth - 70x70cms | EagleMarine grade recycled stainless steel and driftwood - SOLD Height - 262cms Width - 97cms Depth - 51cms | LionMarine grade recycled stainless steel and wood - SOLD Height – 152cms Width - 320cms Depth – 64cms |
ZafirahMarine grade recycled stainless steel w/ wood - SOLD | ZafirahDetail |
Michael Turner is an artist with a growing reputation, both for his level of technical ability and craftsmanship, and the ambitious nature of his works. He has been successfully exhibiting with the High Performance Art Gallery for nearly 10 years.
Michael has an affinity with animals and their natural habitats. His current working location in the heart of the New Forest is an important influence in how his works are produced and the subjects that are chosen.
He has specialised in sculpting with stainless steel as a medium for over ten years, and it is a medium that is both enduring and adaptable. The various polishing, painting and heating techniques give each work a wholly unique finish and feel.
Sculptures by Michael Turner have been shipped to countries across Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Asia. Michael has work in public collections at Wembley Stadium and a number of works throughout Asia, which includes a sculpture at a major financial institution in Beijing, China.